Change your existing habits with these tips!
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Change your existing habits with these tips!

Change your existing habits with these tips!

Habits - our mental shortcuts - are powerful tools that allow us to navigate our daily lives with ease. By developing habits, we can perform routine tasks without much effort or thought. We either automatically head for the coffee machine or the kettle for tea. We no longer have to think about what it is we are doing, we just do it.

But what if some of these habits actually harm our wellbeing or our progress and we want to change them? What if we do not want to reach for that bag of potato chips as soon as we sit on the couch?

Don't worry, it's possible to change existing habits and replace them with new ones. We have a few tips that can help you on your journey towards creating new, healthier habits.

Recognize the habit

We often fail to realize when a particular behavior has become a habit, and we start performing it unconsciously. For instance, hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock is a decision we've made so many times that it's become automatic. However, once we understand that it's just a habit, we can change it more easily.

Therefore, the first step is to realize that we can and need to make a new decision. Being used to something doesn't mean we must continue doing it.

Smallest possible step

If you want to replace a previous habit with a new one, try taking the smallest possible step in the new direction. For example, if you haven't been able to exercise and plan to go from not exercising at all to running for an hour a day, it's a big change and you'll most likely fail to stick with that new goal.

Instead, try taking smaller steps towards your new habit. These will be easier to take and you'll be able to persevere much longer - and that's what matters. Remember, marathon runners don't take bigger steps than half marathon runners, they just take more - and that's how they reach the finish line.

Seek support

Working towards your goals can be easier with support from others. Whether it's committing to writing to your best friend after every sports session or using Goalify to set a new habit or break an old one, there are many ways to achieve your goals. With a variety of goal types and customizable settings, Goalify offers a range of possibilities to help you succeed. You can even create a group with your friends to support each other and celebrate your achievements together. Remember, many things are easier together!

Work with a coach

With determination and the right guidance, changing habits can be an empowering journey. It requires strength and knowledge to establish a new routine or change an old one. Professional external support can be a valuable asset in achieving your goals. Find a coach who has experience and can support you in your endeavor. With Goalify Professional, your mentor can provide detailed instructions, keep track of your progress, and assist you in multiple areas.

One step at a time

On New Year's Eve, we often want to make a fresh start in the new year and throw all the old habits that we consider bad overboard. We also want to spend less time in front of the TV, eat healthier and stop smoking. That's quite a lot to take on at once. That's why most new resolutions fail after just a few weeks. It's better to start by changing just one habit and stick to it consistently. Once you have integrated this well into your everyday life, you can tackle the next change. This increases the likelihood that you won't give up in the first week, but will stick with it in the long term.

Are there any habits you would like to change? Do you have any other tips for us that we should share with our community? Write to us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

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