Amy Blacklock is a certified nutrition coach, health coach, and goals success trainer. She offers online coaching and blogs about food, fitness, finances, and fun at her site Blacklock believes wellness is more than just eating right and exercising, but also effectively managing your finances, connecting with others, and growing yourself a little every day. She enjoys a variety of outdoor activities and is currently training for her first Spartan race in the fall of 2017.
Keep your eye on the target, and you will achieve your goals.
I initially became a personal trainer to help women learn strength-training activities, lose weight, and gain confidence. I saw a clear need just through observation. Many women were not comfortable going to a gym and lifting weights on their own, primarily because they didn’t know how. So, I set out to educate them how to perform exercises correctly so they could be comfortable in a gym setting or their homes. I eventually opened a personal training studio and worked with clients both one-on-one and in small groups.
With experience, it became apparent that nutrition was a huge part of the overall health and wellness equation and thus I pursued further education to assist others in finding the optimal nutrition diet right for them.
Nutrition became my passion. So much information exists out there (accurate and inaccurate) about food and health. I strive to help others make useful sense of it.
Goals are huge for me. I believe in setting and pursuing both long-term and short-term goals. Goals alone won’t do it though. Creating action steps, accountability, deadlines, and measurable results, is a requirement to aid in forward progression and eventual goal accomplishment.
Don’t give up. No one is perfect. You’ll experience good days and bad days. Some things will be easy for you, and others will not. But don’t beat yourself up nor throw in the towel. Keep your eye on the target, and you will achieve your goals. If a goal is extremely tough for you, perhaps it’s not the right goal, but instead of giving up altogether, modify the goal to work for you.
Setbacks are a part of life. When I get discouraged, it’s time to step away for a bit. Recharge my batteries and do something fun with my family or take some alone time for self-care. After a pause, I reevaluate my goals and priorities and modify what needs to change. Sometimes that’s the goal itself, other times it’s the timeline, or possibly it’s assembling other needed resources.
I keep going by recalling my why. The reason I set out to do that thing I’m working toward. I’m an optimist by nature, so this is pretty easy for me most of the time.
Everyone is different. Some will understand things quickly. Others will do things quickly. While some will need a bit more time. What comes naturally to one, may not come easily to another. By embracing the uniqueness of each client and I learn best how to help them.
Simplicity and love. Life and love shouldn’t be hard work and when you find the right partner neither life nor love is exhausting. Additionally, showing others love brings joy in return.
When you keep things simple - spend less than you earn, eat real food, move every day, etc. - it’s a whole lot easier to be happy and healthy.
Don’t give up. No one is perfect. You’ll experience good days and bad days.
I’m a big fan of technology that keeps us on track and motivates in a positive way. For example, I use a Fitbit, habit tracker, and just started using Goalify which I’m really liking. The coaching option looks very promising for use in my business. Mastermind groups or other motivational or accountability groups are great as well.
I’ve recently started a website and blog, where I’m transitioning to online coaching and writing. It’s an ongoing project where I’m turning out weekly articles, recipes, and wellness information. Meal planning and ecourses will eventually be offered in addition to my current nutrition and health coaching.
On a personal level, I just started my training program for my first Spartan Race event in September 2017. Completion of the race is a big goal for me, as well as my husband who is also participating in the event. We’ve both completed a half-marathon, but this will be our first obstacle event.
You can find her at: