What are habits and how to change them?
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What are habits and how to change them?

What are habits and how to change them?

We all have loads of habits that help us get through the day. Some of them we want to do more of, and others we'd like to ditch for good. Habits are a fixed part of our lives. But what exactly are they, and how can we change them?

Wikipedia defines a habit as "a way of reacting developed under similar conditions [...] that has been stereotyped through repetition and is performed automatically according to the same reaction pattern under similar situational conditions, if it is not consciously avoided or suppressed."

"Habits are the small decisions and actions that we frequently make and carry out."

Habits are essentially small decisions and actions that we repeatedly make and carry out. Examples of such actions include reaching for a cup of coffee in the morning or lacing up our running shoes after work. We perform these actions so often that they become automatic. As a result, we need to make a conscious decision to not carry out these actions.

Research by Duke University has shown that around 40% of our daily actions are based on such automatisms. How happy or unhappy you are depends on your daily habits, just like how athletic or unathletic you are or how successful you are. All of this is based on our habits.

The things that we repeatedly think or do shape who we are. That is why our habits have such an significant impact on our lives. If you change your habits, you change your life.

Habit Tracker

Tracking your habits can be the easiest step towards achieving change. You can use a habit tracker to monitor whether you have adopted a new habit or dropped an old one. It doesn't matter if you prefer a traditional pen and paper or a digital alternative. Personally, I recommend using Goalify, a digital habit tracker that automatically reminds you of your goals and allows you to set additional reminders at specific times. With Goalify, you can also customize your goals to fit your needs and preferences.

Research has revealed that individuals are more likely to succeed in incorporating habits into their daily routine when they monitor them. Monitoring habits also allows us to identify a gap in our self-awareness. Even though the realization can be uncomfortable, we are not as dependable as we assume ourselves to be. This is where a habit tracker comes in handy, whether it is in a digital format via an app or on paper with a pen.


Keeping track of our habits can be a powerful tool in achieving our goals. The gratification of seeing visible progress can give us the motivation we need to keep pushing forward, especially when it comes to developing new habits like losing weight. By recording our progress, we have tangible proof of our hard work and dedication, which can be a much-needed boost on days when we doubt ourselves. In Goalify, we can even see how many times in a row we have achieved our goal, further fueling our motivation and helping us to stay on track.


There's nothing quite like the thrill of crossing something off your list, be it a task at work or a habit you're trying to form. The real excitement lies in the journey, in the steps you take towards your goal, rather than the end result which may not always be visible right away. It takes dedication and determination to change your habits, but the payoff is well worth it. Commitment and grit are essential ingridients in changing habits.


When embarking on a journey to change your habits, remember to focus on a few important goals at a time. Each conscious decision requires willpower, which is a limited resource. By taking on too much at once, we risk depleting our willpower and losing sight of our goals. Instead, tackle one habit at a time and make steady progress towards a healthier, happier you.

Cover photo by Shiromani Kant on Unsplash

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